Seals on-line

This MY outlet.
All views expressed here
are mine and mine alone.
If you are offended by any
of the content, please leave.
My opinions are not to hurt anyone,
but for me to vent.
What I may say that day doesn't
reflect how I may feel all the time.

Right now I feel: The current mood of at

Made by ME =)

 October  November


February 10,2003

4:15 in the morning and I can't sleep. I have been tossing and turning for hours now.
First started out that I dozed off and a nightmare woke me up. Then after I woke up, I had tons of junk on my mind.
THEN all that tingling I get kept me awake and uncomfortable.
the tingling is more like a pin pricking sensation that runs through
my body, and sometimes causes numbness. Nothing seems to stop it.
My Dr. said it could be one of two things, a disorder that comes with
migraines, which I often get, so one may be immenent, or MS.
He wants me to go to a neurologist , but I'm too chicken.
It's a feeling like, ya know when your foot or something goes to sleep
and it starts to wake up? Especially if it has been asleep for a long
period of time, all that tingling and pin pricking feeling?
Well that's how my whole body feels , then the numbness starts and
I can't get comfortable to sleep. Ah well, maybe soon I will get up the courage
to make an appointment.
    I have really been busy drawing web sets and things for my site.
I still will not put them up or open until I get the main graphic finished.
Sometimes it feels overwhelming. It may be because my whole life just seems
overwhelming right now. I am thinking too much and trying to force a solution
when I know only time can bring one.
One thing that is of serious concern is my mom's health. I am worried sick about her
she has severe heart problems, underwent a triple by pass and heart valve replacement
this past summer. Now her pulse won't stay regulated and her blood pressure stays up
despite the 2 blood pressure meds she is on. Her pulse hovers around 46 and will drop
as low as in the 30's. Increased activity actually makes it drop lower.
If she lies down in a dark still, quiet room , it stablizes.
I know she is very worried about me and that makes me feel terribly guilty
and like such a burden. Ahhhhh anyway... let's see if I can find something
positive to say today.
    My hand is almost all healed up now. It's only tender in the actual
puncture wound where Mr. Fairley's tooth went into. Best thing about it,
I can draw again. I was lost those couple of days.
My Wacom pen said it really missed me. lol ;)
    I think I am going to go do some
drawing now. Maybe that will help relax me enough to sleep.
Blog ya later...
posted@4:45 a.m. by:


February 2,2003

What a sad in history yesterday. =(
The space shuttle "Columbia" exploded 16 minutes before landing. Saturday, Feb. 1st, 2003.
6 Americans and the first Israeli Astronaut lost their lives.
CNN has a special report: Lost: Space Shuttle Columbia
and NASA has a memorial at their site. NASA Memorial
How much more can our Country take? We are strong, but so much grief. I really have so much compassion
for the families and loved ones of the crew of "Columbia". Not to mention our troops and their families.
A friend of mine has a nephew in the Marines and he is in Kuwait * ever the hell how you spell it*
He sent a letter to her stating that if she gave her friends his addy over there,
that he would distribute the letters to his unit.
So I am gonna write a few.
    David and I went out last night. We went to a local seafood buffet place.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the shrimp!! Any kind of shrimp you could want.
So, yep , I ate alot of shrimp ;)We had a good time. I really enjoyed talking.
Been a long time since we have been able to have so much fun talking.
We really make better friends than marriage partners.
That's prolly cuz I am so hard to live with ;) I'm a great girl ,
just not the easiest to live with. I love being friends though,
He really is fun to be around.
    The weather today has just been awesome. 70 degrees and sunny.
I wish it would stay like this. I know it won't though. I heard the groundhog
saw his shadow today. Oh what does a groundhog know?!? pshhhhhhh please.
Then again , he could be more accurate than the flaky weather man ;)
    Tonight is my traditional LG73night.
The line up includes : Radio Wayne with An eclectic selection of folk,
singer/songwriter, acoustic, swing, cajun, bluegrass and hard
to classify music, including some of Wayne's own CDs!
Then from 10-11 pm central time it's Serena's Love Songs.
Next is MY favorite :The Sunday Soul Show Live from Vancouver
with DJ “Phil in your Computer” Get your groove on and go funkadelic!
Let me tell ya Phil rocks... He plays the old school soul..
and he's an awesome DJ at that!
Click on the LG73 I provided a second ago and tune in.
I promise you won't be disappointed!
    I may come back and blog later tonight,
but for now I gotta get ready to listen to LG73. >:}
    Have a good night and a special xoxoxox to
my friend G ;)
Oh one more note: Jenny and Mary thank you soooooo much!!!
Blog ya later!
posted@7:45 p.m. by:


January 18,2003

Could it get any colder?!?! well, I guess it couldhehe. It's 20 degrees out right now , but it might as well be 0! Brrrrrrrrr. And why does it seem that the dogs want to go out every 5 minutes when it's so cold??? grrrrrrrrrmad
A friend told me tonight that it is so cold that he saw a penguin wearing a coat!! Crackup Weather man said that even though it is so cold now, later next week we are going to have hiighs in the 60's! wooooooooooot And yea that 's great, but how crazy is this weather? Oh but it would be sooo sweet to have a nice sunny warm Super Bowl weekend! Tailgatin would be da bomb!
    Speaking of the Super Bowl, has everyone made their plans yet? I haven't yet,but working on it. I HAVE to be somewhere..SB is no fun by yourself. Kinda like a major holiday. Hehaha And I am so hoping the Tenn. Titans will do well in playoffs this weekend and make it to SB.
The commercials are every bit as important as SB. What is your favorite? My all time favorite is the Coke comm. with Mean Joe Green. Was that just like the most awesome commercial ever?!? I can't wait to see what new ones they have for us this year.
    Since I have been going through such a tough time lately, my mom got me a card today, one of those from Blue Mountain Arts. I just have to share it with you.
Hang In There
Difficulties arise in the lives of us all.
What is most important is dealing with the hard times,
coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side
where the sun is still shining just for you.
    It takes a strong person to deal with the tough times
and difficult choice. But you are a strong person.
It takes courage. But you possess the inner courage to see you through.
It takes being an active participant in your life.
But you are in the driver's seat, and you can determine
the direction you want tommorow to go in.
    Hang in there... and take care to see that you don't lose sight
of the one thing that is constant,beautiful, and true:
Everything will be fine~ and it will turn out that way
because of the special kind of person you are.
    So... beginning today and lasting a lifetime through,
Hang in there, and don't be afraid to feel like the morning sun is
shining...just for you.
                          ~ Colin McCarty
    and on that note,I am going to count sheep.

posted@4 a.m. by:

Days of the week by:
Julie's Country Creations

Marsha's Graphic Garden